Here we are, December again! We cannot quite believe another year will shortly be finishing.
It has been a super busy year for the team as we have continued to navigate the effects of the corona virus.
Our Skellingthorpe Surgery has been a wonderful asset for our team and clients.
It offers such an amazing calm quiet facility with the snug room and a fully equipped theatre. We look forward to welcoming more of you to the surgery in the New Year.
We would like to thank our wonderful clients for all their support during the last twelve months. We look forward to assisting you and your pets in the New Year.
We have lots of exciting plans for 2022 and cannot wait to get started!!
This year we would like to invite you to share a memory of those beloved pets no longer with us. We have a memory tree in our entrance at Newport and Skellingthorpe.
Pop along, fill out and hang something in their memory.